Friday, April 22, 2011

the wonders of a blanket

There are many different things that can be done with a blanket to help students who have sensory processing issues.  These come from different things I have seen in the classroom I'm interning in.
1.  If the child is young put them on a blanket and drag them across the floor, or have the child drag another child across the floor so they feel the weight.  In the school I'm in now, this is done as a part of gym time so every student has the opportunity to be pulled or to pull.
2.Make a kid burrito by rolling her tightly in a blanket. 
3. Have a blanket ready with a flashlight for students to read under.  This will help students who have a tendency to look other places other than the book to read.  It is space weeks so students are reading under a table which has stars glued to the bottom and has a blanket covering it.


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