Monday, March 21, 2011

The Wonders of Packing Peanuts

Packing Peanuts!
What a great excuse for buying yourself  a present! Not only will you get something new, but the packing peanuts can be used in the classroom.  So go a head and click send the next time you are debating on buying that new purse-because in the end its for the good of the children!

Tracy Durkin gave me the idea for packing peanuts, "I remember packing peanuts (the foam ones used in shipping) working well for calming many of my students.  They are soft, pliable, easily held in small hands, and pretty hard to break."

There are a ton of ways these can be incorporated into a classroom.  If they are young children putting packing peanuts into a sensory motor table for all to use would be a great way for all children to  use them.
For elementary children, having bags around the room during recess/ quiet time for students to touch and feel.  Maybe in a quiet zone, the students can have them just to start relaxing. Also, creating art out the peanuts is great way to help students and use their imagination!


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